40 Years Phosphorescent
| Region:
from: 6 February 2025
to: 13 February 2025
Genre: Exhibitions
La Pupazza in mostra per i suoi "40 years phosphorescenti"
On February 6,2025,the street artist La Pupazza compie 40 years and for the occasion has imagined a compleanno d'art in the country that has given him and birth. In Tricase, on the splendid cornice of the loggione of Palazzo Gallone, there will be on stage the mostra di opera di painting e design, "40 Anni Fosforescenti", organized with the support of the Association LAAD and sponsored by the Regione Puglia e Comune di Tricase. The exhibition, curated by the Milanese art manager Elena Vukosavljevic, will be inaugurated on February 6,19,with the presentation of the painter Pasquale Scarciglia, uncontracted during the official opening of the pittrice, another 15 years ago, in the Galleria Maccagnani di Lecce e che, da allora, Mow and support it with dedication. E phosphorescente la vita della street artist, lo è stata davvero. For 8 years, the ceramics in the bottega of the master Agostino Branca have been made; at 15 years if you created the row at your school bench, perché ragazzi and ragazze the chiedevano di decoratee and loro diari; at 17 il primo murals; at 24 the premium shows; at 30 the premium collaboration with an international brand; at 35 è a fiume in piena e il suo stile is delineating itself markedly; At 40,she is the only Italian artist who has worked alongside Banksy and Andy Warhol in the recent exhibition in Rome, at Palazzo WeGil. A splendid quarantenne anchor with the bomboletta in hand - più mature and consapevole - but always with the charm of a baby whose love operates with an incommensurable fantasy and a rich style, unique in the world. As Elena Vukosavljevic explains: “La Pupazza sees the world attraverse a very personal lens that transforms the visible and interprets it as a colorful universe that does everything if it evolves, everything if it transforms, everything if it moves; un'arte funny all'apparenza, ma che – nello momento - nasce da un percorso interiore dell'artista fatto di accettazione della propria diversità, non deprivo di attimi stormati. Your creativity is urgent, esplode your qualsiasi supporto as there is a necessary gesture alla your stessa sopravvivenza. Dipingere è per la Pupazza essenziale, come respirare. ”
For the occasion I will present a magazine that collects confessions and testimonies from art critics, friends and family; non-mancherà lo shop con t-shirt, gadget, stampe e molti altri prodotti brandizzati; exclusively if you read "Buio phosphorescente", the last collection of poetry with the preface of the father, Alfredo De Giuseppe, a central figure in the artist's universe. Dopo lo straordinario successo dell'esposizione itinerant Molto Sugo – which has crossed l'Italia fine to Milan - and the consecration to Rome - da WeGil insieme a due mostri sacri like Banksy e Warhol - un gran event en Salento por un' important artist che It has made an evident imprint on the panorama of contemporary modern art.
Piazza Pisanelli, 1
Posted by:
la Pupazza